Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace
Cost: Free
Due to societal stigma, mental ill-health often remains a hidden contributing factor in lower productivity, lateness, disputes, and long-term absence, to name a few. From both the employee and employer perspectives, fear, discomfort, and not knowing how to raise the subject can create barriers to a person returning to work or resolving issues at the earliest opportunity.
This interactive seminar guides those in management and HR roles through the challenges of understanding, identifying, and supporting mental health in the workplace, enhancing your skills and confidence to make a difference. We look forward to welcoming you to the session.
Who should attend?
Employers, HR and line managers.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
- Understand what mental health is and the factors that impact it
- Know the organisation’s legal obligations
- Recognise signs of mental ill-health
- Engage in conversations about mental health
- Be aware of the professional and personal boundaries
- Start putting a plan in place for addressing and supporting mental health in the workplace.
Date and time: Thursday 20th February 2025 (10.00am - approx. 12.30pm).
Dates and venues
No Terms and Conditions have been provided for this organiser.
Event organiser
Labour Relations Agency
James House
2-4 Cromac Street
United Kingdom: Northern Ireland